American Airlines has a new award map which they’re hoping will inspire you. Check it out and enter American Airlines’ Get Caught Daydreaming contest for a shot at 25,000 AAdvantage Miles, plus get 2,500 miles off your next award redemption just for entering. There will be one winner EVERY DAY until the contest ends on July 24th. Open to US Residents (except in Georgia), 18 and older and you need to provide your name, email, and AAdvantage number. To receive 2,500 miles off award travel, you must register and redeem during the contest period (June 26-July 24th) and travel must take place Sept 4-Nov 20th, 2013. I have to say I kind of like this new award map; it reminds me of Travelocity’s former Dream Maps (R.I.P.) and seems to be the award-travel-equivalent of and If you have American miles to burn and you haven’t checked it out yet, now’s the time! There’s even a helpful video to show you how.
Good Luck! Where would you go if you won 25,000 American AAdvantage miles?
P.S.- If you’re looking for more ideas, Jamison over at Points Summary recently posted some great one-way deals he found to South America and Brazil starting at just 20,000 AAdvantage miles!